Action-oriented 360° reviews for Leaders, Individuals, and Teams


Access your full potential as a leader

diverse team working a table with charts and computers

The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System, helping give you a baseline for your current performance and situation.

Whether you proceed through the full system or not, the realizations that you'll gain from the Energy Leadership 360 assessment and debrief process alone will change the way you view your world and your leadership role.












A client’s experience

I always look forward to my personal and professional conversations with Mary. She is able to strike a unique balance of careful listening with sharing her true-life experience and ideas. She quickly pinpoints the crux of a situation and does not fail to leave me with helpful insights, ideas or questions to contemplate. She is an authentic, inspirational and personable life and leadership coach!!!!

Michael Pegues || CIO


What is 360 degree feedback?


360 Degree Feedback is a tool ideally used for developmental purposes. It is a process where leaders and teams receive anonymous, objective feedback from their managers, direct reports, peers, colleagues, etc., on how they show in their roles and their level of effectiveness.

The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) 360 provides both quantitative and qualitative feedback on leadership competencies, values, and emotional intelligence. It measures the strategic and personal skills that foster and sustain organizational success along with supporting cross- functional relationship development. Ideally, it gives equal weight to both character and competence as a one-of-a-kind assessment tool that enables people to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership competencies. Introspectively, the ELI serves as a mirror as well as a CALL TO ACTION.



Preparing your team for ELI 360 assessment & review

Before offering the 360 feedback in your organization, let’s ensure you have properly set expectations with all participants and raters involved. Below are eight commonly asked questions that will help you prepare your leaders and team for the ELI 360 assessment.

  • The ELI 360 is a four-part assessment system that provides a multi-dimensional perspective on leadership. The first part is the standard ELI, which contains seventy self-rating questions using a five-point rating scale ranging from (1) Completely Untrue to (5) Completely True to determine a leader’s energetic makeup. The questions measure aspects of the seven levels that make up a person’s Core Energy. The prevailing state of mind that correspond with each level are: (1) Victim, (2) Antagonist, (3) Rationalizer, (4) Helper, (5) Collaborator, (6) Connector, and (7) Creator. Levels 1 and 2 represent the catabolic or destructive and draining energy states. Levels 3 through 7 represent increasingly anabolic or constructive energy states.

    The second part of the ELI 360 consists of fourteen questions that measure people’s current level of satisfaction with factors related to their personal and professional lives. The items have a six-point rating scale ranging from (1) Completely Dissatisfied to (6) Completely Satisfied.

    The third part consists of thirty-six items that measures a leader’s perceptions of their own leadership capabilities. Two five-point rating scales are used, ranging from (1) Very Poor to (5) Excellent and from (1) Never to (5) Always.

    The final part of the system is a thirty-six-item parallel assessment that measures the leader’s colleagues’ perceptions of their leadership. Given that people may be in leadership roles at work, at home, or in community life, their colleagues might include supervisors, peers, direct reports, customers, constituents, or close friends and family members.

  • Anyone who is chosen from leadership to staff team members. Usually, the roll-out process starts with the topmost senior leaders.

  • Best practice is to allow the PARTICIPANT (the leader receiving the feedback) to choose his or her raters. To ensure depth and a full 360 scope, raters should include (boss, peers, direct reports, etc. - you can select up to 20+ raters). Participants have shown to be more receptive to the feedback when they choose their own raters, knowing they had a say in who participated.

  • Participants complete the assessment (takes about 15-20min) which includes questions that are measured on a rating scale as well as written comments. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions. This allows for the measuring of potential blind spots, alignment opportunities, accountability, awareness and leadership effectiveness.

  • The ELI 360 assessment report will only be shared with the PARTICIPANT and the coach that will debrief the results, unless the PARTICIPANT and his/her leader specifies otherwise. The coach will set up a one-on-one debrief to process the results and create a customized and progressive action plan. A summary of the results will be shared with their boss/manager and can also be incorporated into performance goals.

  • The report is 100% confidential and completely anonymous.


In life, it seems that it is becoming harder to come across genuine and professionally ethical people, but fortunately, I crossed paths with Mary. Her personal positive energy, combined with the skills and knowledge to see life from all angles is just amazing. The holistic approach to coaching has been life-changing for me, and without it, I am not sure where I would be in life. Thank you so much for always giving me open and an honest perspective of the situations in my life.




Your company's investment for the ELI performance management

1-hour Virtual Energy Leadership Index Introductory Workshop w/Leaders (set clear expectations and field questions in preparation for the ELI 360)

Dispense Energy Leadership Index Assessments to Selected Leaders

25-page comprehensive report per each participant/assessment

1.5 - Hour induvial private debrief to review results

Professional Development Action Plan

Participant scheduled 2 - 4 week follow-up

Weekly coaching sessions (optional) to monitor and manage progress





Benefits of a 360 feedback survey and what it measures:

  • Creates Self-Awareness About Strengths and Opportunities

  • Career development Identifies and measures training gaps, blind spots

  • Improves Productivity and Work Relationships

  • Increases Emotional Intelligence and transparency within the organization

  • 360 feedback measures behaviors and leadership competencies

  • 360 assessments provide feedback on how others perceive an employee

  • 360 evaluation focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character, and leadership effectiveness